Human colour discrimination based on a
non-parvocellular pathway
Tom Troscianko, Jules Davidofft, Glyn Humphreyst, Theodor Landis, Manfred
Fahle, Mark Greenlee, Peter Brugger and William Phillips
Traditionally, colour information is assumed to be carried by neural channels
in the parvocellular pathway and to be encoded in an opponent manner, while
other, nonparvocellular, spectrally nonopponent channels are thought to
play no part in colour vision. But is the parvocellular pathway the only
way that colours can be discriminated in human vision? We studied two patients
with cerebral achromatopsia, who lack conscious colour perception but are
nevertheless able to make use of colour information. In particular, we investigated
whether, in these patients, colour discrimination is mediated by the parvocellular
The achromatopsic patients carried out a forcedchoice colour and luminancediscrimination
task, and showed clear evidence of unconscious colour processing, consistent
with previous studies. We added different types of luminance noise to see
when this unconscious colour information could be masked. The results of
the colourdiscriminationwithnoise and the brightness-nonadditivity experiments
showed a doubledissociation between patients. This indicates that, in one
patient, unconscious colour discrimination may be subserved by a spectrally
nonopponent mechanism, which does not have the characteristics of the parvocellular
pathway and which is responsive to fast flicker. Spectral sensitivity, contrast
sensitivity and motion perception experiments confirmed that this patient
lacks a working opponent parvocellular system. The second achromatopsic
patient showed evidence of a residual parvocellular system.
Our results show that chromatic discrimination need not be mediated by neural
mechanisms, the parvocellular system in particular, normally assumed to
subserve conscious colour perception. Such discrimination may be mediated
by a neural subsystem which responds to fast flicker, is spectrally nonopponent,
and supports normal motion perception.